Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Blog Tease

Meredith has a blog stalker. I am slightly jealous. At least, I was at first when we discovered the stalkerman. After some introspection and snooping, we found out that this so called "stalker" was in fact a professional blogger. So really, he just liked her blog for its artistic merit and wanted to commend her on keeping it short and sweet and not rambling. Well Yippee for you, its part of your homework. Some of us have nothing better to do with 15 minutes than to sit in bed and type random streams of consciousness. Thats right, I'm talking about myself. I sit here, scantily clad, not wanting to study for my test. My blog is in high demand, you keep asking for it poo, so here it is. Lap it up like a kittie laps the milk, oh yea, thats right baby. Lap it like a swimmer laps a pool. Ok I'm done with that, no more. I just laughed out loud and got made fun of for it. SPEAKING of laughing out loud, known to the internet savvy as LOL, Mother dearest made me lol the other day whence she suggested I was going to get married. Although poo, you should worry also, rather you should LOL also, because you too were included in the suggestion. I think mother likes Edward, you better watch out or she will try to snatch him out from under your nose. OH speaking of snatching and LOLing, mother mentioned another humorous incedent in the recent past. I was chatting with her and she casually mentioned in passing that Pappi wants to go on a DIET!!!!! HOW FUNNY! I don't know how long he is going to last. I mean, not to knock Pappi, I love him to pieces, but come on. He likes the foodstuffs, and not in small quantities either. Pappi misses me, maybe thats why he is dieting. He is going to go on a food strike until I go home, or at least call him. He cried the other day when I didnt call. I made a grown man cry. Speaking of men crying, I decided the other day while watching Extreme Makeover:Home Edition that a grown man crying for the right reasons is a huge turn on. Maybe momma likes when Pappi cries? oh ew I need to not think about that right now. ok, Done.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


So I think I abdicated the blogging role for long enough. I announce to all you avid readers (mommy and Dani) I'm BAAAAAAAACK!!!! That's right, now that the week of hell is officially over and I have nothing better to do with my time, I can write my randomness down again. Let the show begin. I think I will start with tales of yesteryear, and by year, I mean day. So for you slow pokes, thats yesterday. This keyboard sucks by the way. So it was the last day of class for me, joyfullness of joy. Had my CAV final. Got some questions wrong... oh well. BUT on the practical part, I was totally acing it. It was so impressive, I wouldve hired me for a job on the spot. But then we just had to move to the audio console. Well, maybe I'm just not that interested in how to adjust audio levels. I will pay someone to do that for me. Cav said I was perfect until the last three questions. Oh well. But then the day just got better and better. Planned some orientation week program with Josh Katz and Kip. Lisa was there too. But when you put a gay man and a staunch conservative from Ohio in the same room, its always funny. Josh made a comment about male genitalia, we all laughed, Kip had to leave the room for a minute... I was much amused. American Idol made me late to the board meeting, and the audacity- they started without me. The one time im late... sheesh. No one wants to help me at tonights movie event, maybe because House of Wax is possibly the worst movie we can screen for free being that no one is going to see it anyway. So I am going to have to deal with the crowd by myself, and the Verizon people. Maybe they'll give me a free phone. But I dont have Verizon. Mom, it can be your mothers day present. But only if they give me one. That probably wont happen. Pipe dreams. But on to the real meat- what I really want to talk about. Well, there are two things. First one: The big Dipper. I went for a walk by the river last night, and the constellation was pointed out to me. I think that was the first time I had ever seen it. Well, I am not impressed. It is quite puny. I said I thought it should be bigger and rounder to look more like a spoon. Why call it the big dipper if it is small. I didnt think it was all that big a deal. Well, Josh didn't understand what my point was, so poo on him. Next topic, the Jet Blue commercials. I think they are possibly the funniest things in the world. The Mockumentary ones that is. I can watch it over and over and still crack up. SHeer GENIUS! The lasy says "When the plane is ready to baord, I say "the plane is now ready to board."" And another one says "a man asked me for a soda, so I brought him one-- with ice." HA. Its amazing. Watch it. There is a link in my aim profile bc I love it so much. far superior to any other commerical currently on TV.
Ok so maybe this wasnt my best blog ever, but tomorrow I'm going to the aquarium, so there are bound to be stories from there. Stay tuned pals.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


Wow it's been a long time. That's a testament to how freakin busy I am. I might have a nervous breakdown some time next week, what with 4 projects due and none of them being half done yet. Let me begin by saying if I can pull this off, I must have superpowers or something.
I need to seriously rethink my ways. I am way to relaxed to start and then I freak out when all of a sudden everything is due all at once. I thought I had time, but apparently theres a week and a half left and I am wondering where the hell all the time went. I am scared. Oh girl (thats in place of oh boy, in case you were wondering). So I sit here in the IT lab waiting for my info for my TV drama project to print out, and there is a one hour wait. Everyone prints stuff at the same time... jeeze louise. Since I am not going to be at my presentation (thanks, Pesach, for being sooooo convenient) I thought it would be fun for film me so I could be there in spirit, or on video tape, whatever you want to call it. Let me just say I would make such a good tv personality. First I kick ass a talk show host in directors rotation, then I am hilarious on my fake cooking show. Wow. I am re-evalutating my career path. Well, not fully, I'm leaving room for more options. Options are good. So is time. something I have very little of these days. I dont think I am going to sleep at all next week, with the exception of maybe the holy sabbath. Its gonna be absolutely insane. I am going to re0evaluate my work ethic for the fall semester. Maybe actually do things in advance instead of playing for two weeks and then all of a sudden being completely overwhelmed by work. But its ok, I will pull through. Heywood wasnt very understanding of the whole Passover thing and not being able to work at all this weekend. Paper due on Thursday, not a word written yet, and theres no chance I will be able to eve start writing until some time tuesday, if at all then. Granted she's letting me hand it in after class some time, but still, an extra day or two wouldnt kill her. I will pat myself on the back if I can actually write a good paper and hand it in on time, and also finish my TV comedy project for thursday as well. Speaking of finishing projects, Video Production is a disaster waiting to happen. If we dont finish shooting this weekend (without me there) there is no way in hell its gonna be done. I hope everyone else realizes this. OH man oh man oh man, i need a sedative. RJP told me to calm down today becasue I was hyper active when i gave him his 25 cents to sell my chametz. I blamed it on the caffiene. combine that with stress and Im insane. I'm like one of those superballs that bounce uncontrollably. thats kind of fun in a way... Why wont my stuff print already dammit. I cant deal. At least I finished as much work as I could possibly do today. Tonight should be fun, what with all the kitchen scrubbing. Oh speaking of my apartment, fun stuff. LAst night I accidentally forgot to lock the door after Ruthie left when we finshed shooting out commercial. I know, its a big deal, I majorly screwed up. SO when Sareen and Leslie came home at 2 in the morning and the door was wide open, they reasonably freaked out. and then woke me up. I was not happy to be woken up at 2 in the morning, but they thought someone broke in. Um, hello, its impossible to get into our building... but I understand where they were coming from with the whole freaked out thing. So i said it was my fault and tried to go back to sleep. Yes, I did bad. But does that mean you can then talk on the top of your lungs for the next 15 minutes? IT was 2 in the morning. you woke me up, at least let me go back to sleep. Am I out of line thinking it was rude of them to be so loud? granted I made a boo-boo, but have some respect for the sleeping. But anyway, I need to do major pesach cleaning and I know I am not going to get any help from them. I'm on kitchen duty this week anyway, so whatever. But I am making it clear that after I clean tonight they should not bring any Chametz into the apt before they leave. not that I can control it, as I am leaving before them. I cant wait for next year and not having to worry about these things. I shouldve started my re-evaluation plan long ago. come on printer... PRINT.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Oh The Insomnia

Yes, It has happened again. It's back and there is nothing I can do about it, aside from drug myself silly of course. By IT I mean my insomnia. Just when I thought it would finally go away for good, the bastard had to come and bite me in the tushy again. So the count is up to three out of four nights lying awake until at least 5 a.m. What a joy. It is especially lovely on a monday night/Tuesday morning such as this past eve, when I need to wake up for a 9:30 class. But it gets better, trust me. I was seriously contemplating skipping the 9:30 class last night. I was ready to set the alarm for a later hour. And this was before I knew mr. insomnia was coming back with a vengence. But, like the good girl that I am, I said to myself, "Lindsay, you're going to class in the morning, it is the right thing to do." And so, I did just that. I got my groggy ass out of bed and made it to class EARLY at 9:25. Fast forward 20 minutes, and Heywood still hasnt shown her face. Girl behind me starts talking to boy next to me about amphetamines. Interesting convo. Class decides if Heywood doesnt show in 5, we're outa here. And I think to myself, I should have slept in. I hate my bad decision making. I need someone to make all of my decisions for me, that way I cant blame myself for my poor choices, it will all be someone elses fault, except for the whole choosing the person thing. To top off the whole waking uo unnecessarily early thing, I stupidly took five pills this morning on an empty stomach, so I was nauseous as hell and wanting to puke like woa. WHy five pills? Well, I need my daily calcium and vitamins, plus nasal decongestant for this dumbass cold, plus vitamin c and zinc to spead up the recovery process. So thats 5 buggers I downed, with no food. Silly me. So off to Espresso Royale went I, for some nurishment in the form of- what else- a whole wheat bagel con avocado spread. That did the trick. I still had two hours to kill before my Director's Rotation (oh the joy, just wait) so I took a fake nap in the com lounge. By fake, I mean I sat with my eyes closed and attempted to sleep, but the asshole alluded me yet again. With the countdown at 1 hour, I made my way to the studio to "prepare." And then suddenly, it was 1:00. crunch time. As Assistant Director, everything went fine. I must say, I make a fine AD. I did a pretty damn good job as Technical Director too, if I do say so myself. Alas, the day did not end there. No, I still had to Direct. I was surprisingly calm, at least calmer than I thought I would be. Perhaps I was too confident? Who knows. Take 1 was just ridiculous. The cameras should be in sequence people! 2 comes after 1, not 3!!! Dammit, I made such a mess it was laughable. Oh well, We get two takes. And take two was a lot better. Not flawless, but not nearly as horrible as the first one. I think if I got a chance to do three, I would knock em dead. EH. At least thats over with, now I get to sit back and do the easy jobs while someone else screws up more than I did. I seriously hope someone is worse than me, so that I dont look like such a complete fool. As mean as it is to wish bad on someone else, man I need to look good. At least I wasnt a wreck afterwards like some other people... Maybe I will actually sleep tonight?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Creek Geek, but such a Sneak

Gee, I can rhyme. Who woulda thunk. Anycrap, Remember Dawson's Creek? Oh the goodness. It was quite the obsession for me, and many loved ones. Well, this fine morning, I revisited the Capeside gang, circa 2002 (not thier best season, but still...). Thank you, TBS, for re-running such a super teen drama. Yes, I can use industry terms, I am allowed thanks to my wonderful COM FT training. I'm so professional. Now you may be wondering how I managed to watch the illustrious cable channel that really is funny (come on... the commercials... i watch too much tv). After all, I am too cheap to pay for cable. Actually, I am too cheap to pay for a lot of things, but we'll get to that later. To make for my cheapness, and actually to combat it, I am magnificently sneaky. So, this morning, I pulled off a wonder sneak. Let's recap, for those of you who did not follow my every move this fine a.m. 7:30 am, alarm goes off, I strip and crawl into the shower. 8:00 am, still in robe & towel but nice and clean, crawl back into bed, reset alarm, snoozefest. 8:30 am, second alarm, run to bathroom and blow dry/ straighten hair. 8:45, burn fingers. ouch. The price I pay for looking beautiful. 9:00, quickly get dressed. 9:15, I'm off to work. 10:55 am, I find out my 12:00 job is cancelled. Brain synapses start firing. Stealthily I make my way to my coat, casually walk out of B-05, out the door of CAS and into the sunshine. 10:59, arrive at Hillel. Enter Lounge. TV is open. So I have a seat, and flip to channel 30, knowinf perfectly well that Dawson and Joey are waiting for me. And I have successfully managed to sneak out of work yet again. I am getting so good at this. Or maybe they just dont care? Could be... but I like to think im really sly. Which I am. Watching the Creek, all the memories flooded back, and with every person who walked by or sat down and commented on the show, I noticed from my well informed responses that I watch a LOT of tv. Maybe too much? Nah. When I suggested this at lunch Lili said it was ok bc it's my job too. She's so smart. But yes, that is the second wonder of my sneakiness. I manage to eat lunch at hillel quite often these days. Partly in due to my stealth, but also partly due to the generosity of certain Hillelers. I love guest meals and dining points. Which brought me to what I think was a hilarious and very astute observation, which I gladly pointed out. Adams facial hair and head hair is exactly the same length! And they are kind of connected, so either he has hair hair on his face, or he has a beard on his head. I think he has a beard on his head. I didnt tell him that, but maybe I should. He would like that. What if all guys had beards on thier heads? That would be creepy. Creepy like the vision of Josh Katz lying sprawled across the couch. He didnt get why I got scared. It wasnt that he was lying down, it was the manner in which he was lying down. He just likes to twist around what I say. But now I am way off topic. Back on track... Dawsons Creek and Lunch. I managed to stay away from work for 2 hours... couldve stayed longer but the damn TV could bring itself back to B-05. It was be so cool if it could though. Someone should invent a machine like that. If only I was scientifically inclined, but alas, I am not. Oh well. At least I still have my TV.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Ode to RJP

OH Rabbi Joseph Pollack, how you intrigue me. Friday night was perhaps your most shining moment, yes by far it had to be. Most will agree, and we did not stop talking about it all night, even into the next morning. After all, RJP wants to cancel Judaism. An amazing suggestion, one we will all support you in, good ol' RJP. Listen up old man, yes it is not ok for the Ortho minyan to start 45 minutes late. But guess what! Its also not ok for the rabbi to give a 45 minute speech about nothing, where you spend 40 of the minutes wasting our time. Just get to the freakin point. But another thing, dear sir. While it is nice that you like to go up to people you don't recognize, presumably people visiting the school, it is not ok to go up to people who DO go to BU and ask them where they are from. YES RABBI, I GO TO BU, and I GO TO HILLEL EVERY DAY. In fact, I am on student Board. More people in Hillel like me than you. SO there. I'm not bitter or anything, I just dont like you, and you certainly gave me an even better reason this friday night. But the weekend was a very good one at that. RJP fiasco only provided us with much fuel for laughs, after all, we are cancelling Judaism. Its over. Everyone go out and do what you wish, its ok, RJP has cancelled Judaism so dont worry. And the night just got better from there on out. Who wouldnt want to see Josh Katz and Jonathan go head to head in a push-up contest? Awesomeness. We did all overestimate Jonathan strength. I figured he is so skinny that he would shock us all with his insane muscle. I neglected to take into account the fact that Josh is about four times the size and probably eats Jonathans weight for lunch. Oh well, it was hilarious to watch. Saturday too did not disapppoint, as Josh Katz offended people as usual, making me laugh alot. If I could carry him around with me I would, it would be so entertaining. Weird and creepy, but hilarious. ANd the best part about lunch- Lindsay continues to dominate in the art of Sandwich making. I attribute my successes to the trait I seem to have inherited from my OCD mother. I make the neatest sandwiches ever. Granted I also put the best stuff in them, but everyone agreed my sandwich looked the most appetizing, in part due to its incredible beauty and neatness. Thanks mom. In spite of all of these wonderfull shabbat happenings (all of which I have not included, as there were many), none compared to the greatness of post shabbat happenings. I met the DONNAS, and I have to say, Fat Donna is not nice, and she does not know how to put on eyeliner. It was smeared at the edges and coming off her eye all wierd. Maybe thats why she wasnt friendly. I personally think thats no excuse, after all singer DOnna and Drummer DOnna and Guitar Donna were all very nice and friendly. Singer Donna said she liked me necklace. Drummer Donna like my shirt, and got all excited when I told her I played drums too. And Guitar donna was all nice and say my name on my necklace and personalized my card. So all in all, the Donnas rock except fat donna. Maybe she is jealous bc all of the other DOnnas arent fat. Lili said maybe she was mean bc i called her fat donna, but I said I didnt call her Fat Donna to her face, I just dont know what her name is. Meredith then informed me that her name is Mya. Well ok Mya DOnna or whatever you call yourself, I dont care that you are fat, you play a mean bass, but be nice! smile! All the other DOnnas shook my hand, but you did not! shame on you!!!! After the concert it was off to Marina's for some partying. JD BEBE was there! So was this other kid who looked really familiar. I asked him why he looked so familiar. He took one look at me and said, Sociology discussion, Professor Stone. Boy in blue shirt, I appluad you for having such a fantastic memory, bc that class was two semesters ago. I know I am unforgettable, maybe you should pass on some of your memory skills to RJP, he cant seem to remember people who he sees every day. Then we switched the clocks, but my phone wasnt switching, and I wanted to watch it jump ahead. Josh and Alana assured me that it would switch evetually, but that was no condolence for the loss of me seeing it happen. Alana and I walked home at 3 am in the rain. My pants were soaked through, so I took them off in the hallway. I dont know how they got that wet, I had an umbrella. Yes, it was a good weekend indeed.

Thursday, March 31, 2005


Always, Always stick to the plan! This is something I have slowly been learning as the days pass. My plan for this morning was to wake up at 8:30 and leave early for class so I could go to my new favorite coffee shop for some iced coffee and bagel w/ avocado spread. I thought it was a good plan, and I was excited for it. But for some reason, when my alarm went off this morning, I neglected to stick to it. My sleepy mind decided 15 more minutes of sleep would be better than breakfast, and I could always go to Espresso Royale for lunch (which I did, by the way... yum). So back to sleep it was. Big mistake. While I was still ready to go to class early enough for an Espresso stop, again I made a bad decision and putzed (how the hell do you spell that?) around in my room for a few minutes. At approximately 9:05, Sareen (hereby referred to as roomie 1) let out a yelp from the kitchen. It was a funny sound, but had an ominous tone. Leslie (hereby reffered to as roomie #2) inquired as to the reason for the yelp. Roomie #1 informed as that there was a dead mouse in the kitchen. Damn her for always finding dead mice. This is like the fourth one. I thought Tony sent an exterminator... so much for that. Roomie #2 proceeded to freak out and said she wasnt going in the kitchen ever again. Roomie #1 ran to her room and said she wasnt touching it. And so the banter went on, with me listening in from my hiding place, conveniently located smack in the middle of my room. #1 wasnt getting rid of it, #2 wasnt getting rid of it... but both agreed it needed to be taken care asap because it was going to start smelling soon. I thought to myself, maybe if i make a run for it now they wont notice I'm here. Then I realized that wilbur (the mouse) was going to start smelling if we left it. We debated who we could call to take out the mouse, but our options were slim. Evan, Andy and Mike (our valiant heroes who took care of the other rodents) were nowhere to be found, and it was only 9:07 in the morning. At this point, I decided I would do peek at the critter, assess the situation. Another bad decision. I wont subject anyone to the details, that is just cruel. After sufficiently grossing myself out, I ran shaking back to my room. Yes, I was shaking, that is how disturbing the sight was. Nevertheless, with #1 and #2 crying in thier room, I stepped up to the plate, and bravely walked back into the kitchen and got a plastic bag out. Thank you Shaws. I inquired as to how the hell I was supposed to get Wilbur into the bag without looking at him or touching him. #1 said to put on an oven mitt. #2 said I was brave and she would buy me a present. Yea right. As I neared the critter, I noticed a pool of red. It was bleeding. The damn mouse bled on our kitchen floor. It wasn enough that he invaded our home and committed mouse suicide, he had to go and bleed too. Well, I whined that it was bleeding and informed 1 and 2 that I would bag the thing, but there was no way i was mopping up the blood. And so I committed the ultimate act of bravery and disposed of the dead one. Pats on the back for me. It was a trying experience. I was considerably disturbed, and decided the best course of action would be to go to class right then, even if I would be 5 minutes early. #1 cleaned up the blood and I ran out the door. And so I get to mistake numero dos of the day. I arrive at Heywoods class, but alas she does not come. Liz (who sits to my right and has a cute nose ring) said it would be cool if she wasnt here and we could leave. Then, Mr. Overturn (has Heywood calls him) walks in with his huge Afro and tells the techie to leave, he will start the movie because Heywood isnt coming. My little corner turned to Liz in amazement, for her psychic abilities were astounding. But Afro man informs us that Heywood told him to take attendance and play the movie. Excuse me Afro man, are you Heywoods bitch? We all wanted to just leave, but for some reason, no one did. This was the mistake. Had we left, I never would have had my second encounter with dead mice in one day. Stupid movie. The white boy and his little african friend killed a snake and the, whitey thought it would be fun to cut the snake open. Why I kept watching, I do not know. There were two dead mice inside. All the girls averted their eyes, me included. Yet we all kept glancing up too. Why is it that we love to torture ourselves? So I was pleasured with numerous dead mouse sightings, all in the span of an hour. I still can't get the image out of my head. Wilbur is going to haunt my dreams. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Egmont Street, why must you be infested! Thankfully, my time in mouseville will soon be coming to an end. I shouldn't tell prospective subletters about this...