Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Oh The Insomnia

Yes, It has happened again. It's back and there is nothing I can do about it, aside from drug myself silly of course. By IT I mean my insomnia. Just when I thought it would finally go away for good, the bastard had to come and bite me in the tushy again. So the count is up to three out of four nights lying awake until at least 5 a.m. What a joy. It is especially lovely on a monday night/Tuesday morning such as this past eve, when I need to wake up for a 9:30 class. But it gets better, trust me. I was seriously contemplating skipping the 9:30 class last night. I was ready to set the alarm for a later hour. And this was before I knew mr. insomnia was coming back with a vengence. But, like the good girl that I am, I said to myself, "Lindsay, you're going to class in the morning, it is the right thing to do." And so, I did just that. I got my groggy ass out of bed and made it to class EARLY at 9:25. Fast forward 20 minutes, and Heywood still hasnt shown her face. Girl behind me starts talking to boy next to me about amphetamines. Interesting convo. Class decides if Heywood doesnt show in 5, we're outa here. And I think to myself, I should have slept in. I hate my bad decision making. I need someone to make all of my decisions for me, that way I cant blame myself for my poor choices, it will all be someone elses fault, except for the whole choosing the person thing. To top off the whole waking uo unnecessarily early thing, I stupidly took five pills this morning on an empty stomach, so I was nauseous as hell and wanting to puke like woa. WHy five pills? Well, I need my daily calcium and vitamins, plus nasal decongestant for this dumbass cold, plus vitamin c and zinc to spead up the recovery process. So thats 5 buggers I downed, with no food. Silly me. So off to Espresso Royale went I, for some nurishment in the form of- what else- a whole wheat bagel con avocado spread. That did the trick. I still had two hours to kill before my Director's Rotation (oh the joy, just wait) so I took a fake nap in the com lounge. By fake, I mean I sat with my eyes closed and attempted to sleep, but the asshole alluded me yet again. With the countdown at 1 hour, I made my way to the studio to "prepare." And then suddenly, it was 1:00. crunch time. As Assistant Director, everything went fine. I must say, I make a fine AD. I did a pretty damn good job as Technical Director too, if I do say so myself. Alas, the day did not end there. No, I still had to Direct. I was surprisingly calm, at least calmer than I thought I would be. Perhaps I was too confident? Who knows. Take 1 was just ridiculous. The cameras should be in sequence people! 2 comes after 1, not 3!!! Dammit, I made such a mess it was laughable. Oh well, We get two takes. And take two was a lot better. Not flawless, but not nearly as horrible as the first one. I think if I got a chance to do three, I would knock em dead. EH. At least thats over with, now I get to sit back and do the easy jobs while someone else screws up more than I did. I seriously hope someone is worse than me, so that I dont look like such a complete fool. As mean as it is to wish bad on someone else, man I need to look good. At least I wasnt a wreck afterwards like some other people... Maybe I will actually sleep tonight?


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