Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Creek Geek, but such a Sneak

Gee, I can rhyme. Who woulda thunk. Anycrap, Remember Dawson's Creek? Oh the goodness. It was quite the obsession for me, and many loved ones. Well, this fine morning, I revisited the Capeside gang, circa 2002 (not thier best season, but still...). Thank you, TBS, for re-running such a super teen drama. Yes, I can use industry terms, I am allowed thanks to my wonderful COM FT training. I'm so professional. Now you may be wondering how I managed to watch the illustrious cable channel that really is funny (come on... the commercials... i watch too much tv). After all, I am too cheap to pay for cable. Actually, I am too cheap to pay for a lot of things, but we'll get to that later. To make for my cheapness, and actually to combat it, I am magnificently sneaky. So, this morning, I pulled off a wonder sneak. Let's recap, for those of you who did not follow my every move this fine a.m. 7:30 am, alarm goes off, I strip and crawl into the shower. 8:00 am, still in robe & towel but nice and clean, crawl back into bed, reset alarm, snoozefest. 8:30 am, second alarm, run to bathroom and blow dry/ straighten hair. 8:45, burn fingers. ouch. The price I pay for looking beautiful. 9:00, quickly get dressed. 9:15, I'm off to work. 10:55 am, I find out my 12:00 job is cancelled. Brain synapses start firing. Stealthily I make my way to my coat, casually walk out of B-05, out the door of CAS and into the sunshine. 10:59, arrive at Hillel. Enter Lounge. TV is open. So I have a seat, and flip to channel 30, knowinf perfectly well that Dawson and Joey are waiting for me. And I have successfully managed to sneak out of work yet again. I am getting so good at this. Or maybe they just dont care? Could be... but I like to think im really sly. Which I am. Watching the Creek, all the memories flooded back, and with every person who walked by or sat down and commented on the show, I noticed from my well informed responses that I watch a LOT of tv. Maybe too much? Nah. When I suggested this at lunch Lili said it was ok bc it's my job too. She's so smart. But yes, that is the second wonder of my sneakiness. I manage to eat lunch at hillel quite often these days. Partly in due to my stealth, but also partly due to the generosity of certain Hillelers. I love guest meals and dining points. Which brought me to what I think was a hilarious and very astute observation, which I gladly pointed out. Adams facial hair and head hair is exactly the same length! And they are kind of connected, so either he has hair hair on his face, or he has a beard on his head. I think he has a beard on his head. I didnt tell him that, but maybe I should. He would like that. What if all guys had beards on thier heads? That would be creepy. Creepy like the vision of Josh Katz lying sprawled across the couch. He didnt get why I got scared. It wasnt that he was lying down, it was the manner in which he was lying down. He just likes to twist around what I say. But now I am way off topic. Back on track... Dawsons Creek and Lunch. I managed to stay away from work for 2 hours... couldve stayed longer but the damn TV could bring itself back to B-05. It was be so cool if it could though. Someone should invent a machine like that. If only I was scientifically inclined, but alas, I am not. Oh well. At least I still have my TV.


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