Tuesday, March 29, 2005

wetness as a virtue

This is my very first blog ever. Congratulations to me. I give myself a pat on the back. And, I salute Dani, for entertaining me with her blog and not entertaining me enough today online to drive me to create my own blog. And so I make a tribute to her, my hugely tall 14 month older than me big sis. I also want to take the time right here to thank her for inspiring so little confidence in my parents, that they were driven to procreate yet again, so soon after birthing her, their little premie, so as to ensure that she would have friends. Poo, I'll be your friend. You are probably the only person reading this anyway. And Mommy, when I tell her. She will stalk my blog as she stalks yours, and shep the nachas, cry the tears. Why? Because thats what mom's do. But anyways, on to the purpose of this very first entry. I sit in the Cummington St. lab, bored out of my mind, and I began reflecting on my earlier class. I walked in a few minutes late, sat down behind Jorge, who turned and smiled at me. He is my friend in class, and he tells me about his girl problems. I think it is funny, becuase he is this hispanic kid from Weehawken, NJ. Say that out loud. WEE-HAWK-EN. HAAA. So I sat down and tried to start paying attention to Heywood, who refers to herself as Heywood, which is really bizarre. But then I was distracted by the scent of WET. you know the smell. It's like soggy dog, comes out every so often after rain. Well, not being a person fond of rain, I am also not fond of wet. so I kept looking around trying to figure out where the wet was coming from. I wasnt raining out, so I was even more grossed out, becasue that means its OLD WET. even worse! And now, I keep thinking I smell like WET. its a very discomforting thought, to be the one who smells like wet. I dont know what to do. Maybe I should take a shower or something. But that will just propogate the wet, bc showers include water. I think i need a shrink. I'm done. end of blog.


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