Sunday, April 03, 2005

Ode to RJP

OH Rabbi Joseph Pollack, how you intrigue me. Friday night was perhaps your most shining moment, yes by far it had to be. Most will agree, and we did not stop talking about it all night, even into the next morning. After all, RJP wants to cancel Judaism. An amazing suggestion, one we will all support you in, good ol' RJP. Listen up old man, yes it is not ok for the Ortho minyan to start 45 minutes late. But guess what! Its also not ok for the rabbi to give a 45 minute speech about nothing, where you spend 40 of the minutes wasting our time. Just get to the freakin point. But another thing, dear sir. While it is nice that you like to go up to people you don't recognize, presumably people visiting the school, it is not ok to go up to people who DO go to BU and ask them where they are from. YES RABBI, I GO TO BU, and I GO TO HILLEL EVERY DAY. In fact, I am on student Board. More people in Hillel like me than you. SO there. I'm not bitter or anything, I just dont like you, and you certainly gave me an even better reason this friday night. But the weekend was a very good one at that. RJP fiasco only provided us with much fuel for laughs, after all, we are cancelling Judaism. Its over. Everyone go out and do what you wish, its ok, RJP has cancelled Judaism so dont worry. And the night just got better from there on out. Who wouldnt want to see Josh Katz and Jonathan go head to head in a push-up contest? Awesomeness. We did all overestimate Jonathan strength. I figured he is so skinny that he would shock us all with his insane muscle. I neglected to take into account the fact that Josh is about four times the size and probably eats Jonathans weight for lunch. Oh well, it was hilarious to watch. Saturday too did not disapppoint, as Josh Katz offended people as usual, making me laugh alot. If I could carry him around with me I would, it would be so entertaining. Weird and creepy, but hilarious. ANd the best part about lunch- Lindsay continues to dominate in the art of Sandwich making. I attribute my successes to the trait I seem to have inherited from my OCD mother. I make the neatest sandwiches ever. Granted I also put the best stuff in them, but everyone agreed my sandwich looked the most appetizing, in part due to its incredible beauty and neatness. Thanks mom. In spite of all of these wonderfull shabbat happenings (all of which I have not included, as there were many), none compared to the greatness of post shabbat happenings. I met the DONNAS, and I have to say, Fat Donna is not nice, and she does not know how to put on eyeliner. It was smeared at the edges and coming off her eye all wierd. Maybe thats why she wasnt friendly. I personally think thats no excuse, after all singer DOnna and Drummer DOnna and Guitar Donna were all very nice and friendly. Singer Donna said she liked me necklace. Drummer Donna like my shirt, and got all excited when I told her I played drums too. And Guitar donna was all nice and say my name on my necklace and personalized my card. So all in all, the Donnas rock except fat donna. Maybe she is jealous bc all of the other DOnnas arent fat. Lili said maybe she was mean bc i called her fat donna, but I said I didnt call her Fat Donna to her face, I just dont know what her name is. Meredith then informed me that her name is Mya. Well ok Mya DOnna or whatever you call yourself, I dont care that you are fat, you play a mean bass, but be nice! smile! All the other DOnnas shook my hand, but you did not! shame on you!!!! After the concert it was off to Marina's for some partying. JD BEBE was there! So was this other kid who looked really familiar. I asked him why he looked so familiar. He took one look at me and said, Sociology discussion, Professor Stone. Boy in blue shirt, I appluad you for having such a fantastic memory, bc that class was two semesters ago. I know I am unforgettable, maybe you should pass on some of your memory skills to RJP, he cant seem to remember people who he sees every day. Then we switched the clocks, but my phone wasnt switching, and I wanted to watch it jump ahead. Josh and Alana assured me that it would switch evetually, but that was no condolence for the loss of me seeing it happen. Alana and I walked home at 3 am in the rain. My pants were soaked through, so I took them off in the hallway. I dont know how they got that wet, I had an umbrella. Yes, it was a good weekend indeed.


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