Thursday, April 21, 2005


Wow it's been a long time. That's a testament to how freakin busy I am. I might have a nervous breakdown some time next week, what with 4 projects due and none of them being half done yet. Let me begin by saying if I can pull this off, I must have superpowers or something.
I need to seriously rethink my ways. I am way to relaxed to start and then I freak out when all of a sudden everything is due all at once. I thought I had time, but apparently theres a week and a half left and I am wondering where the hell all the time went. I am scared. Oh girl (thats in place of oh boy, in case you were wondering). So I sit here in the IT lab waiting for my info for my TV drama project to print out, and there is a one hour wait. Everyone prints stuff at the same time... jeeze louise. Since I am not going to be at my presentation (thanks, Pesach, for being sooooo convenient) I thought it would be fun for film me so I could be there in spirit, or on video tape, whatever you want to call it. Let me just say I would make such a good tv personality. First I kick ass a talk show host in directors rotation, then I am hilarious on my fake cooking show. Wow. I am re-evalutating my career path. Well, not fully, I'm leaving room for more options. Options are good. So is time. something I have very little of these days. I dont think I am going to sleep at all next week, with the exception of maybe the holy sabbath. Its gonna be absolutely insane. I am going to re0evaluate my work ethic for the fall semester. Maybe actually do things in advance instead of playing for two weeks and then all of a sudden being completely overwhelmed by work. But its ok, I will pull through. Heywood wasnt very understanding of the whole Passover thing and not being able to work at all this weekend. Paper due on Thursday, not a word written yet, and theres no chance I will be able to eve start writing until some time tuesday, if at all then. Granted she's letting me hand it in after class some time, but still, an extra day or two wouldnt kill her. I will pat myself on the back if I can actually write a good paper and hand it in on time, and also finish my TV comedy project for thursday as well. Speaking of finishing projects, Video Production is a disaster waiting to happen. If we dont finish shooting this weekend (without me there) there is no way in hell its gonna be done. I hope everyone else realizes this. OH man oh man oh man, i need a sedative. RJP told me to calm down today becasue I was hyper active when i gave him his 25 cents to sell my chametz. I blamed it on the caffiene. combine that with stress and Im insane. I'm like one of those superballs that bounce uncontrollably. thats kind of fun in a way... Why wont my stuff print already dammit. I cant deal. At least I finished as much work as I could possibly do today. Tonight should be fun, what with all the kitchen scrubbing. Oh speaking of my apartment, fun stuff. LAst night I accidentally forgot to lock the door after Ruthie left when we finshed shooting out commercial. I know, its a big deal, I majorly screwed up. SO when Sareen and Leslie came home at 2 in the morning and the door was wide open, they reasonably freaked out. and then woke me up. I was not happy to be woken up at 2 in the morning, but they thought someone broke in. Um, hello, its impossible to get into our building... but I understand where they were coming from with the whole freaked out thing. So i said it was my fault and tried to go back to sleep. Yes, I did bad. But does that mean you can then talk on the top of your lungs for the next 15 minutes? IT was 2 in the morning. you woke me up, at least let me go back to sleep. Am I out of line thinking it was rude of them to be so loud? granted I made a boo-boo, but have some respect for the sleeping. But anyway, I need to do major pesach cleaning and I know I am not going to get any help from them. I'm on kitchen duty this week anyway, so whatever. But I am making it clear that after I clean tonight they should not bring any Chametz into the apt before they leave. not that I can control it, as I am leaving before them. I cant wait for next year and not having to worry about these things. I shouldve started my re-evaluation plan long ago. come on printer... PRINT.


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