Wednesday, May 04, 2005


So I think I abdicated the blogging role for long enough. I announce to all you avid readers (mommy and Dani) I'm BAAAAAAAACK!!!! That's right, now that the week of hell is officially over and I have nothing better to do with my time, I can write my randomness down again. Let the show begin. I think I will start with tales of yesteryear, and by year, I mean day. So for you slow pokes, thats yesterday. This keyboard sucks by the way. So it was the last day of class for me, joyfullness of joy. Had my CAV final. Got some questions wrong... oh well. BUT on the practical part, I was totally acing it. It was so impressive, I wouldve hired me for a job on the spot. But then we just had to move to the audio console. Well, maybe I'm just not that interested in how to adjust audio levels. I will pay someone to do that for me. Cav said I was perfect until the last three questions. Oh well. But then the day just got better and better. Planned some orientation week program with Josh Katz and Kip. Lisa was there too. But when you put a gay man and a staunch conservative from Ohio in the same room, its always funny. Josh made a comment about male genitalia, we all laughed, Kip had to leave the room for a minute... I was much amused. American Idol made me late to the board meeting, and the audacity- they started without me. The one time im late... sheesh. No one wants to help me at tonights movie event, maybe because House of Wax is possibly the worst movie we can screen for free being that no one is going to see it anyway. So I am going to have to deal with the crowd by myself, and the Verizon people. Maybe they'll give me a free phone. But I dont have Verizon. Mom, it can be your mothers day present. But only if they give me one. That probably wont happen. Pipe dreams. But on to the real meat- what I really want to talk about. Well, there are two things. First one: The big Dipper. I went for a walk by the river last night, and the constellation was pointed out to me. I think that was the first time I had ever seen it. Well, I am not impressed. It is quite puny. I said I thought it should be bigger and rounder to look more like a spoon. Why call it the big dipper if it is small. I didnt think it was all that big a deal. Well, Josh didn't understand what my point was, so poo on him. Next topic, the Jet Blue commercials. I think they are possibly the funniest things in the world. The Mockumentary ones that is. I can watch it over and over and still crack up. SHeer GENIUS! The lasy says "When the plane is ready to baord, I say "the plane is now ready to board."" And another one says "a man asked me for a soda, so I brought him one-- with ice." HA. Its amazing. Watch it. There is a link in my aim profile bc I love it so much. far superior to any other commerical currently on TV.
Ok so maybe this wasnt my best blog ever, but tomorrow I'm going to the aquarium, so there are bound to be stories from there. Stay tuned pals.