Thursday, March 31, 2005


Always, Always stick to the plan! This is something I have slowly been learning as the days pass. My plan for this morning was to wake up at 8:30 and leave early for class so I could go to my new favorite coffee shop for some iced coffee and bagel w/ avocado spread. I thought it was a good plan, and I was excited for it. But for some reason, when my alarm went off this morning, I neglected to stick to it. My sleepy mind decided 15 more minutes of sleep would be better than breakfast, and I could always go to Espresso Royale for lunch (which I did, by the way... yum). So back to sleep it was. Big mistake. While I was still ready to go to class early enough for an Espresso stop, again I made a bad decision and putzed (how the hell do you spell that?) around in my room for a few minutes. At approximately 9:05, Sareen (hereby referred to as roomie 1) let out a yelp from the kitchen. It was a funny sound, but had an ominous tone. Leslie (hereby reffered to as roomie #2) inquired as to the reason for the yelp. Roomie #1 informed as that there was a dead mouse in the kitchen. Damn her for always finding dead mice. This is like the fourth one. I thought Tony sent an exterminator... so much for that. Roomie #2 proceeded to freak out and said she wasnt going in the kitchen ever again. Roomie #1 ran to her room and said she wasnt touching it. And so the banter went on, with me listening in from my hiding place, conveniently located smack in the middle of my room. #1 wasnt getting rid of it, #2 wasnt getting rid of it... but both agreed it needed to be taken care asap because it was going to start smelling soon. I thought to myself, maybe if i make a run for it now they wont notice I'm here. Then I realized that wilbur (the mouse) was going to start smelling if we left it. We debated who we could call to take out the mouse, but our options were slim. Evan, Andy and Mike (our valiant heroes who took care of the other rodents) were nowhere to be found, and it was only 9:07 in the morning. At this point, I decided I would do peek at the critter, assess the situation. Another bad decision. I wont subject anyone to the details, that is just cruel. After sufficiently grossing myself out, I ran shaking back to my room. Yes, I was shaking, that is how disturbing the sight was. Nevertheless, with #1 and #2 crying in thier room, I stepped up to the plate, and bravely walked back into the kitchen and got a plastic bag out. Thank you Shaws. I inquired as to how the hell I was supposed to get Wilbur into the bag without looking at him or touching him. #1 said to put on an oven mitt. #2 said I was brave and she would buy me a present. Yea right. As I neared the critter, I noticed a pool of red. It was bleeding. The damn mouse bled on our kitchen floor. It wasn enough that he invaded our home and committed mouse suicide, he had to go and bleed too. Well, I whined that it was bleeding and informed 1 and 2 that I would bag the thing, but there was no way i was mopping up the blood. And so I committed the ultimate act of bravery and disposed of the dead one. Pats on the back for me. It was a trying experience. I was considerably disturbed, and decided the best course of action would be to go to class right then, even if I would be 5 minutes early. #1 cleaned up the blood and I ran out the door. And so I get to mistake numero dos of the day. I arrive at Heywoods class, but alas she does not come. Liz (who sits to my right and has a cute nose ring) said it would be cool if she wasnt here and we could leave. Then, Mr. Overturn (has Heywood calls him) walks in with his huge Afro and tells the techie to leave, he will start the movie because Heywood isnt coming. My little corner turned to Liz in amazement, for her psychic abilities were astounding. But Afro man informs us that Heywood told him to take attendance and play the movie. Excuse me Afro man, are you Heywoods bitch? We all wanted to just leave, but for some reason, no one did. This was the mistake. Had we left, I never would have had my second encounter with dead mice in one day. Stupid movie. The white boy and his little african friend killed a snake and the, whitey thought it would be fun to cut the snake open. Why I kept watching, I do not know. There were two dead mice inside. All the girls averted their eyes, me included. Yet we all kept glancing up too. Why is it that we love to torture ourselves? So I was pleasured with numerous dead mouse sightings, all in the span of an hour. I still can't get the image out of my head. Wilbur is going to haunt my dreams. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Egmont Street, why must you be infested! Thankfully, my time in mouseville will soon be coming to an end. I shouldn't tell prospective subletters about this...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Oatmeal Cookies and a Catfight

DAY TWO. Let the real blogging begin. It's a good day for a blog. The sun is shining, which means I am super happy. To put an awesome cap on an awesome day, its wednesday. That means numerous things. One, I have no class today. Two, it is dairy day at Hillel. Now, you may be saying to yourself, Lindsay, you do not have a mean plan, how can you eat at Hillel? I have devised a genius plan which allows me such advantages. Befriend out-of-state students whose friends dont come to visit, and they have guestmeals galore!!!! That was only the beginning to a stream of fantabulous events. To start it off, the pizza was excellent. I love a good pizza topped with some fungi. And then there were the cookies, which led to another best ever creation. I, Lindsay Brooke Rabinowitz the First created the most scrumptious ice cream sandwich, using a combination of oatmeal cookies and french vanilla ice cream. It was so good, I just had to enter it into the league of Best Evers. So now there is the Best Walk Ever, Best Sandwich Ever, Best Cake Ever (at hillel only, the competition is fierce), Best Nap Ever, and the newly introduced, Best Ice Cream Sandwich Ever. The awesomeness did not end there, oh no. On to the Hillel office, to recieve my refund and free complimentary movie ticket to AMC Fenway. Now I have $15 in my pocket AND I get to go to the movies for free. SWEET.
The 30th of March is looking damn good. And the boy at the computer two seats away from me keeps turning and staring at me. STOP Looking at me you creepy wierdo! I know I look smashing today (Adam said so) but please, it is scaring me. I snuck out of work again... hehehe. Doug will never know. He is my boss from 4:00-6:30, and what an anal little man he is. My other bosses, Dan and Chris, dont care where I go as long as I do my jobs. But Doug likes to be annoying and if I ask to go somewhere, he checks his watch, hems and haws, and then tells me to wait. Wait for what???? Nothing changes between the time he tells me to wait and when he lets me go. So I've learned not to ask anymore, and I just leave. My favorite thing about Doug is that when he picks up the phone, his voice changes into a phone sex voice. It's so creepy, that its hilarious. I feel bad for him though, because his glasses are from 1990. Seriously dude, large rims haven't been cool for a looooooong time. Speaking of hugely rimmed glasses, Dani, Remember when Daddy had huge glasses? He only got new ones when we convinced him he looked like a dork. See, for all of you who don't know my dad, he thinks he is cool, and he also thinks he is metrosexual. Of the two, he is neither. Not to insult my dad or anything, no dad can be cool, its like a cardinal rule or something. Except my husband. He will be a cool dad, just like I will be a cool mom. We will be the coolest parents, and all our kids friends will wish their parents were like us. Its gonna be awesome. But anyway, Doug's huge glasses make me laugh. He doesnt wear them all the time, he has contacts, but I dont get why he doesnt get new ones. And while he is in the mall shopping, he should buy some new clothes too, because those are also circa 1990. I do not mean to be critical, but I'm just taking note of all of the 1990 throwbacks. American Idol was 90's theme, TV Comedy class is 90's tomorrow, and Doug wears everything from 1990. Interesting... OK now my fingers are starting to hurt. I think im getting arthritis in my fingers. 'nuff rambling, peace out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

wetness as a virtue

This is my very first blog ever. Congratulations to me. I give myself a pat on the back. And, I salute Dani, for entertaining me with her blog and not entertaining me enough today online to drive me to create my own blog. And so I make a tribute to her, my hugely tall 14 month older than me big sis. I also want to take the time right here to thank her for inspiring so little confidence in my parents, that they were driven to procreate yet again, so soon after birthing her, their little premie, so as to ensure that she would have friends. Poo, I'll be your friend. You are probably the only person reading this anyway. And Mommy, when I tell her. She will stalk my blog as she stalks yours, and shep the nachas, cry the tears. Why? Because thats what mom's do. But anyways, on to the purpose of this very first entry. I sit in the Cummington St. lab, bored out of my mind, and I began reflecting on my earlier class. I walked in a few minutes late, sat down behind Jorge, who turned and smiled at me. He is my friend in class, and he tells me about his girl problems. I think it is funny, becuase he is this hispanic kid from Weehawken, NJ. Say that out loud. WEE-HAWK-EN. HAAA. So I sat down and tried to start paying attention to Heywood, who refers to herself as Heywood, which is really bizarre. But then I was distracted by the scent of WET. you know the smell. It's like soggy dog, comes out every so often after rain. Well, not being a person fond of rain, I am also not fond of wet. so I kept looking around trying to figure out where the wet was coming from. I wasnt raining out, so I was even more grossed out, becasue that means its OLD WET. even worse! And now, I keep thinking I smell like WET. its a very discomforting thought, to be the one who smells like wet. I dont know what to do. Maybe I should take a shower or something. But that will just propogate the wet, bc showers include water. I think i need a shrink. I'm done. end of blog.